A film about Ming-liang Tsai giving a tour of a Pompidou retrospective to a group of school students. I tried to apply what I gleaned through the French translated Mandarin, the body languages, and images. I’ve rendered further a temporal estrangement to invite the relativization of socioeconomic velocities. It was edited almost immediately to extend the intuitions and contingencies of the experience (autocorrect experiment). And because polished editing, like grammar, can simply be a class relation, distraction, or obfuscation—some degree of which is always present—this practice is the rehearsal of a disposition.
I’ve used the artifact of this disposition as a contemplative device, a friendly response, a soporific, meditation, measure of breath, and to lessen the accumulating stress in my neck and shoulders. It has restored a sense of wonder from habitual seeing and offered a surface on which to reflect. And beyond the determinations of Shanghai lounge divas or perhaps overflowing the containers of Shanghai lounge divas.
It zooms out on the surface of a mother masking divine laughter when it should perhaps zoom in, one possible error compounded by this piling on of distractions.