15: .+: 。(⊙.⊙(☉̃ₒ☉)⊙.⊙) 。:+.


In Moe’s books in Berkeley, a few months into this project, a small volume seeming to shimmer with preternatural significance caught my eye. A string of O’s along the spine. On the front cover it said:

A room that isn't. A room
that wasn't. On the top floor.
City? A big one.
Maybe in the Eighties. It
could be Berlin, East Berlin
in the early Eighties.
Summer or early autumn or
late spring. My view is that
of a baby lying on the floor.
Through the window I can
only see the still sky. Is it
afternoon? It is quiet.
Through my tiny body, I can
feel the Earth turning, very,
very slowly.
And I know everything has
started this very moment.
But I was not there. I was
not yet.

and on the back cover it said:

I was not yet. And I was not
there. But I know everything
has started in this moment.
Very, very slowly. Through my
tiny body, I can feel the Earth
turning. It is quiet.
Is it afternoon? Through the
window I can only see the
still sky.
My view is that of a baby lying
on the floor. It is summer or
early autumn or late spring.
City? A big one. Maybe in the
Eighties. It could be Berlin,
East Berlin in the early
On the top floor. A room that
wasn’t, a room that

and on the inside I learned the book was written by Katarína Poliačiková and the title was SKIPPING SCHOOL, LEARNING THE FIRE OF THINGS

A shiver ran through me as I began turning the pages. It opens with a passage about ritual, and then Lisboa, mudlarking scraps of pottery and poetry from the banks, photographs perhaps from street markets, sundays and the noticing in transcendent perambulations. It was a feeling of attunement more than equivalence. A loosening of subjectivity, quantum-like, collapsing the modern scaffolding holding me. Had I drifted into some kind of slipstream, behind or beside?

I experience, without any sense of unusualness, intuitions that exceed—

Out the window a man with a small amber Pomeranian walks past a school age girl in a large white puffy jacket. She turns her head to watch and stops in place, transfixed on the golden creature as it recedes on the horizon. I once said to my BFF, my life partner, I would love to have a half dozen Pomeranians, and at the end of the day I could clap and they would all jump into bed with us. She paused for a minute and offered, ‘I think you may have been a child emperor in a past life’ and we laughed one of those laughs that you dissolve into, a complete loss of orientation.

I experience, without any sense of unusualness, intuitions that exceed my language to describe them or abilities to quantify or generalize them. By way of example, I found myself in the recently opened Ambedkar museum in London. As India Today reported it’s ‘set in the Primrose Hill area of London, which is home to many celebrities like British actor Daniel Craig and supermodel Kate Moss, Ambedkar House was the home of Dr. BR Ambedkar, architect of the Indian Constitution, between 1921 and 1922. The house was bought by the Maharashtra government for $3.65 million in 2015 to turn it into a museum.’

We became interested in Ambedkar since learning about him through Arundhati Roy.

We obtained a WhatsApp number for the person caring for the museum, a former embassy employee who had been assigned this post. When we arrived he showed us around a little and then returned to his computer where he was watching a video about climate change. The Modi administration had bought the house, with all the implications and incongruities that might imply. The aspects of his work that were foregrounded by the images and narratives displayed throughout the house seemed confusing in their assemblage, overly simplified to point of becoming almost apolitical.

I picked up a book from the massive collection of Ambedkar’s speeches and writings. The fifth volume I selected was shelved out of place and the page I opened to was from a chapter called Parallel Cases in a section called Roots of the Problem that looks for what Manthia Diawara calls solidarities of suffering among oppressed peoples. There are passages that include the histories of subjugation from both sides of my family and themes I have been thinking about recently. An attunement more than an equivalence.

The intuitions in excess of language I have to describe them is like a feeling of something guiding my hand to a book, arriving at a juncture that couldn’t feel any more fitting in that moment. The preternatural shimmering of objects and subjects in time.

My resonances are patchy with this enormous body of work. In the house that Ambedkar lived in during his time as a student that was bought by the Narenda Modi administration in the the Primrose Hill area of London, which is home to many celebrities like British actor Daniel Craig and supermodel Kate Moss. The list of speeches from the 17th volume give an indication of the range and tone. I emailed an online book seller in Nagpur called Budget Mantra and inquired about having a complete set sent to the house where I’m staying in London. I’m curious to see if I create a shelf or shrine with them, if they would function as a kind of I Ching for those data weary spiritual seekers in need of political grounding or something else.

Volume 17

(Part Three) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar and his Egalitarian Revolution – Speeches. Events starting from 1st January   to 20th November 1956 in the chronological order are compiled in this volume.

  1. Great Fight

  2. The Value of a Man is Axiomatic, Self-Evident

  3. We are a Warrior Clan

  4. Send Right Type of men to Legislature

  5. people Cemented by feeling of One Country, One Constitution, and One Destiny, take the risk of Being independent

  6. Secure Constitutional Safeguards and Guarantees

  7. Agitate much more, Organise Better than at Present

  8. ……otherwise Advanced Hindu castes would remain in power and rule the minorities.

  9. Power an prestige will come to you through struggle

  10. Future Generations of Hindus will appreciate my service

  11. Keep before your eyes the struggle of Gautama Buddha and Ramanuja

  12. Untouchables must have political power

  13. I would not Budge an inch from my righteous cause

  14. Political reform must precede social reform

  15. Care more for material good than for spiritual food

  16. Act and utilize the power coming into your Hands

  17. Abandon the thought of Slavery

  18. Do not believe in fate, believe in your strength

  19. they alone rise who strive

  20. Do not depend upon god or superman

  21. I will wrest as much power for the country as possible

  22. Find men who will promote your interests

  23. Unfortunately I was born a Hindu untouchable but I will not die a Hindu.

  24. My ability and eminence were the fruit of my patient labour and intellect

  25. Go anywhere, we have to fight for our welfare

  26. Decided to renounce Hinduism

  27. I cannot sacrifice my conscience for success

  28. Conversion is necessary for your Emancipation and Advancement

  29. What way emancipation?

  30. …….there will be no distinction between the Mahars and the Mangs.

  31. You must give up your disgraceful profession.

  32. Do not become a victim to any conspiracy.

  33. We cannot allow our grievances to continue

  34. There are no depressed class ministers

  35. Do not worship God in Hindu religion.

  36. Communist exploited the labourers.

  37. Be on the guard against exploiters

  38. Self-respect and self-help movement has nothing to lose but everything to gain

  39. Christians lagged behind politically

  40. Work for uplift of untouchables

  41. Democracy must give Respectful hearing to all who are worth listening to

  42. Peasants and worker should think over the causes of their poverty.

  43. Guard the interests of the depressed classes.

  44. Trade union must enter politics to protect their interests

  45. Educated man without character and Humanity is more dangerous than a beast

  46. Untouchables have to strive themselves

  47. Lead decent life

  48. Government did not care depressed classes

  49. Need for united political organization to fight common opponent foreign imperialism

  50. Send grievances to me

  51. Be men of sterling character

  52. What is the goal of India’s political evolution?

  53. Gandhi prepared to accept federation in whatever form

  54. Save your children from harrowing life

  55. I worked for benefit of whole community not for a particular section

  56. Taxes must be utilized for farmers

  57. Mahar Watan is heartless exploitation

  58. Government has done nothing for depressed classes

  59. Hindus responsible for sin of untouchability

  60. Regain past position in Army

  61. Safeguards under Government of India Act and Poona Act are inadequate

  62. Hindu society must organize on modern lines breaking down its Age-long framework

  63. Gandhi’s efforts are inadequate

  64. Without strenuous efforts our social position might get even worse

  65. You have not realised what tremendous power you have

  66. Watandari, a curse to Mahars

  67. Remarkable change under gone….

  68. Educated persons should join Military

  69. I shall lay down my life in Defence of our land

  70. Your salvation must lie in your own hands

  71. The doors of my house would always remain open to friends

  72. Struggle of lowest Strata of society is bound to help all sections of working class

  73. If the Bottom-most Stone is shifted those above are to be shaken

  74. If Democracy dies it will be our Doom

  75. Educate, Agitate, Organize, Have faith and lose no hope

  76. Progress for the community is measured by progress of women

  77. I make distinction between Ahimsa and Meekness

  78. I will stand by you

  79. I yield to none in my desire for the freedom of this country

  80. I want the reins of Government in your hands

  81. Present disorders Harming only Indians

  82. Non-Brahmin party should rebuild itself

  83. Join Army, Navy and Air Forces

  84. Gandhi and Jinnah should retire

  85. Poverty will not be tolerated in post-war period

  86. Swaraj could be in hands of Labour

  87. Qualify for enjoying the rights

  88. Scheduled caste must Discard Hinduism

  89. “Now or Never” is the question before scheduled castes

  90. Depressed classes are not a part of Hindu community

  91. I am no opponent of Nationalism But…….

  92. Unity is of Supreme Importance

  93. I was far ahead of…… Patriots of India

  94. Indian History is nothing but struggle between Buddhism and Brahmanism

  95. Gandhi was contented with provincial Autonomy

  96. We are the makers of the Destiny of this country

  97. Students should see that Degree carries positive knowledge

  98. Lay the foundation for a Regime of prosperity for the poverty-stricken millions of the country

  99. News paper in a modern Democratic system is Fundamental basis of good Government

  100. Scheduled castes must organize

  101. There should be statutory Commission for Aboriginal Tribes

  102. No Dispute over India’s goal of freedom

  103. Make deliberate attempt to make man politically conscious

  104. Action by Government in August 1942 was justifiable

  105. Gandhiji declined

  106. Scheduled Castes demands be referred to an impartial International Tribunal

  107. Depressed Classes neglected

  108. The Scheduled Castes had been left where they were

  109. I have Loyalty to our people also to this country

  110. The minority must always be won over, it must never be dictated to

  111. Art of public speaking could be developed

  112. Because of Divine law of Manu or Yajnavalkya, Hindu society was never able to repair itself

  113. Organise under one leader, one party, one programme

  114. Progress of a community always depends upon Education

  115. The Hindu code was a right step towards a civil code

  116. We should ensure that India is not enslaved again

  117. Maharashtrians are more sincere, more duty conscious to the nation

  118. Religion no longer be inherited but be examined Rationally by everybody

  119. Non-Believers should be converted to the Eight-Fold Path

  120. Buddhism paved way for Democracy and Socialistic pattern of society

  121. I shall devote rest of my life to the revival and spread of Buddhism

  122. The Bill was aimed at the Social advancement of Women

  123. The Scheduled Castes should give up political Aloofness

  124. I am like a rock which does not melt but turns the course of rivers

  125. Failure of parliamentary Democracy will result in Rebellion, Anarchy and Communism

  126. If our true representatives are not elected, independence will be a farce

  127. Poor people must unite separately to achieve their purpose

  128. …….Let us save our Kith and Kin

  129. Why I did not resign earlier?

  130. Federation will not give up its Separate political Entity

  131. The Hindu Code bill would improve condition of women

  132. It is bad for people to remain idle and indifferent

  133. Purity of Administration is necessary for Welfare of the people

  134. Alliance to Appose

  135. I always have the interest of the country at heart

  136. All my attention is concentrated on Building of Hall for federation

  137. Recognise University Education to meet the Requirements of the Modern World

  138. Conditions precedent for the successful working of Democracy

  139. Knowledge is the Foundation of Man’s life

  140. Women leaders are not interested in the Social Progress of Women

  141. ……. I shall take Stern measures

  142. Osmania University Honoured Dr. B. R. Ambedkar

  143. If Buddhist Gospel is not adopted History of conflict in Europe, will repeat in Asia

  144. …….the so called Upper classes will be wiped out of Existence

  145. Unless Casteless and Classless Society is created, there will be no Progress in India

  146. Don’t get misled by Criticism

  147. Politics is not the Be-All and End-All of the Nation’s Life

  148. We will carry on All India Land Satyagraha even against Central Government

  149. It is the criminal to collect Money in the name of Religion and waste it

  150. My Philosophy of life

  151. I am a devotee of Gautam Buddha, Kabir, Mahatma Phule and Worshipper of Learning, Self-Respect and Character

  152. Buddhist movement in India : A Blue Print

  153. Pandurang was none other than Buddha

  154. There is difference between the Ahimsa Preached by Buddhism and Jainism

  155. Why I like Buddhism

  156. The Tide of Buddhism would never Recede in India

  157. Prospect of Democracy in India

  158. The Buddha Dhamma will be the saviour of the world

  159. Buddha or Karl Marx

  160. Appendix I : Gandhiji’s article on Dr. B. R. Ambedkar’s proclamation of conversion

  161. Appendix II : Constitution of the Samata Sainik Dal

  162. Appendix II : An Out spoken Utterancee